Thor is a 2011 American superhero film based on the comic book character of the same name published by Marvel Comics. It is the fourth film released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film tells the story of Thor, a god who is exiled from his homeland of Asgard to Earth. While there, he builds a relationship with scientist Jane Foster. However, Thor must stop his brother Loki, who intends to become the new king of Asgard.
The colour scheme for the poster is; Blue, Black and Red. The black surrounding Thor symbolising being darkness and death while the light shining down upon Thor showing his strength and righteousness.The red symbolises not only his strength but also his position of power. His blue eyes draw you to his eyeline and force you into looking at them. The blue while a symbol of goodness and royalty also seem sharp; the eyes of a warrior.The outfit worn by the character is not clearly seen but has obvious inspirations from the comic charcter himself.
The font used on the text is all written in capital letters, a way to attract the audience and help promote the movie. I find the use of the text used well as "The God of Thunder" is a title for Thor and therefore having this saying placed above the title and date of the movie keeps the film fresh in the mind of the audience.
The poster is simple but that in is a strength of it, the poster dosen't give you enough information and consequently you want to see what happens in the film.