Saturday, 26 November 2011

School Mag

This is the basic background of my school magazine. The background picture of the school is shot an angle making the school look long and imposing. This also draws attention to Jeremy since the roofline of the building meets with his head. This means that the focus will be on Jeremy.

This next image shows the title of the magazine. The title is basic but gets the point across and I chose to use Blackadder ITC and kept the font colour black because the font looked like it was hand written and would stand out against the grey sky. This image shows how I have added in the main story and a caption underneath. The main story is put at an angle to make the text look creepier and to catch the readers eyes more. The font type is Chiller and the colour is red as it is commonly used to make a text look scary but also because red is a very bold colour and will make the reader take a look.

This is my finished magazine cover in all it's glory. I added the black box and text to give the magazine more life. This would stick with the dark colour scheme of the rest of the text but also cover up the cut off part of the image. The black box makes the text stand out more. The text OMFG is a slang used on the internet and will be understood by the student reading the mag. I finally added a smaller title story just to add more life to the magazine.

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